About John Lucas

I was born and brought up in North London and  joined the GPO as an apprentice in 1969 at the age of 16.

I spent 22 years with the company in a wide range of posts including periods in exchange construction, training, research and network management.

I then left BT and worked for a while as a consultant on an EU project in Greece, in Trinidad and Tobago advising on Network Management for and for new operators such as Mercury and MFS before joining Ericsson marketing department.

This was followed by a number of roles in smaller telecoms companies and consultancies. I retired in 2018.

I was considering doing a talk on the history of the telephone, it would be easy I thought, just get a book on the subject to check on dates and away you go.  I then discovered that the only book I could find was written in 1910!  So I decided to write my own,  I do hope you like it.

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